Guided fly fishing at santa maria ranch
Fly fishing at Santa Maria Ranch is exclusive to groups guided by one of our trusted outfitter partners; the Ranch does not offer any unguided fly fishing opportunities at this time. To check property availability or to schedule a guided trip to Santa Maria Ranch, please reach out using the form provided below, and one of our outfitter partners will get back to you with more information shortly.
It's Easy To Book A Day Of Colorado Fly Fishing On Private Waters With Santa Maria Fly Fishing
Give us a call or shoot an email our way to book a day or more of fly fishing on our private section of the South Platte River's Middle Fork in Park County, Colorado. This section of stream has been recognized as having more trout per mile than other waters and fisheries throughout Colorado. This means that available spots fill up quick, so we recommend booking your Colorado Fly Fishing trip well in advance. Our section of river offers a reasonably large channel size with open banks that makes the Santa Maria Ranch ideal for groups of two or three anglers.
We work with a variety of independent guides and fly fishing outfitters or ask us about setting you up with an expert fly fishing guide who knows our section of water especially well. When planning your trip to Santa Maria Ranch, keep in mind that we're unable to provide overnight services, so you'll need to be off the property before dark. There is an outhouse available to anglers, but the nearest drinking water and flush toilets are a few miles away in the town of Hartsel. It's also important to note that lightning is a real risk up here at 8,800 feet above sea level, and shelter is limited. So, if you see weather that could produce lightning, don't take chances. We look forward to showing you a day or more of Colorado Fly Fishing that will always stand out among the best fly fishing trips you've ever had.